



(Hga010皇冠软件下载) Avelo航空公司今天首次从休斯敦起飞,该公司在休斯敦成立并运营其国家支持中心. 该航空公司的首个休斯顿航班将开启H-Town最便利的机场-威廉P. Hobby Airport (HOU) – and Southern Connecticut's most convenient airport – Tweed-New Haven Airport (HVN). Avelo is the only airline offering nonstop service from the city of 休斯顿 to the state of Connecticut.

Avelo will operate this route twice weekly on Mondays and Fridays, 运营波音新一代737飞机. 低单程票价98美元起. 顾客可以在averoair上预订.com.

Avelo于2018年在休斯顿成立,并于2021年4月首次公开亮相,首次从洛杉矶好莱坞伯班克机场(BUR)飞往湾区索诺玛县机场(STS)。. With that flight, Avelo became America's first new airline in nearly 15 years.

"Today marks a significant milestone as we inaugurate Avelo's first flight from our home city of 休斯顿. 这条航线还将连接Hga010皇冠软件下载航空公司的全国支持中心(总部)和Hga010皇冠软件下载六个基地中最大的一个基地. Avelo将成为唯一一家连接休斯顿和康涅狄格州的航空公司,这将使人们更容易到达新英格兰和纽约的门户, 比以往任何时候都更快、更实惠. The flight will also make traveling to 休斯顿 a simpler and smoother experience for Connecticut visitors. 当你想到Hga010皇冠软件下载将从休斯顿最方便的机场——霍比机场起飞时,就很容易理解为什么Hga010皇冠软件下载对Avelo今天的H-Town首次亮相如此兴奋了.——Avelo航空公司创始人兼首席执行官Andrew Levy

“休斯顿机场很自豪地庆祝Avelo航空公司开通了从霍比机场到康涅狄格州的新直飞服务. 这一令人兴奋的合作关系为Hga010皇冠软件下载的乘客在休斯顿和东北部之间提供了更便捷的旅行选择. Avelo's commitment to affordability perfectly aligns with our mission of connecting people, 企业, 和休斯敦的文化. 有了这条新路线, Hobby Airport further strengthens its position as Skytrax's Best Regional Airport in North America.——Jim Szczesniak,休斯顿机场航空总监

Avelo Customers traveling between HOU and HVN today will enjoy a gate-side celebration and fanfare, 包括纪念登机牌, 休斯顿本地咬伤, a musician and a water cannon salute upon the flight's arrival. Airline executives will join city and airport officials for the historic occasion.

这条航线的开通凸显了休斯顿和纽黑文在Avelo航空公司广泛网络中的战略重要性. 休斯顿, renowned for its dynamic business landscape and vibrant cultural scene, serves as the location for the airline's Support Center (how the airline refers to its headquarters). Around 200 Crewmembers (how the airline refers to its employees) are based in 休斯顿 at Greenway Plaza. 纽黑文拥有该航空公司最大的运营基地.

Tweed-New Haven Airport – The New Haven Way to New England and New York

HVN位于康涅狄格州风景秀丽的海岸,是通往大纽黑文所有15个城镇的便利门户. HVN毗邻多条主要高速公路和通勤铁路,使参观新英格兰和纽约地区比以往任何时候都更容易. 机场是一个令人耳目一新的平滑和简单的替代家乡机场的体验,将使访问南康涅狄格州更快, 比以前更容易,更放松.

最著名的是耶鲁大学的所在地, New Haven is the second-largest city in Connecticut and is part of the New York metropolitan area. The coastal city has experienced—and continues to enjoy—a renaissance. Within an 容易 stroll from the New Haven Green are more than 100 distinctive restaurants, 提供各种口味的食物, 这个城市到处都是剧院, 博物馆, and shopping destinations to satisfy all interests and tastes. 去年, 纽黑文加入了奥克兰等标志性城市的行列, London and Istanbul to make the prestigious New York Times 2023 "52 Places to Go" list. Whether visiting family and friends or just looking for a vacation, there is a wealth of things to explore in The Cultural Capital of Connecticut.


Since taking flight on April 28, 2021, Avelo has flown more than 4.超过37,000个航班的700万客户. Today Avelo serves 53 destinations spanning 24 states and Puerto Rico.

Avelo开启了一个便利的新时代, 选择, and competition by flying unserved routes to primarily underserved communities across the country. 每条航线至少有一个小型的、易于使用的机场. 这使得每个Avelo的旅程都很顺利, 容易, 比在人群中竞争更愉快的体验, 交通拥堵, 在大型机场长途跋涉.

Avelo以其业界领先的可靠性而著称. 5月, 该航空公司在准点率和航班取消率方面均排名行业第一,这是Avelo连续第二个月在这两项指标上领先行业. 另外, 2024年的前五个月, Avelo在准点率方面攀升至第一名,在所有美国航空公司中保持着第二低的航班取消率.S. 航空公司. 这些结果是由Anuvu报告的, 这家领先的航空数据服务公司也被《Hga010皇冠软件下载》用于该出版物的年度航空公司排名.

Avelo Customers can always change or cancel their itineraries with no extra fees. 另外, 家庭可以轻松出行,因为13岁及以下的儿童将自动与陪同的成人一起就座,无需额外费用.

Avelo提供高级座位分配出售. 三分之一的座位是伸腿空间大的座位, 从32英寸到36英寸以上不等, offering a more comfortable experience for Customers who value more space. 除了提前安排座位, Avelo提供了几个非捆绑的旅行增强选项,让客户可以灵活地只为他们认为有价值的东西付费, 包括优先登机, 托运行李, 头顶上的随身行李, 还带了一只宠物进机舱.


Avelo航空公司' purpose is to Inspire Travel by saving people time and money. The 休斯顿-based airline offers travelers time and money-saving convenience, 每日最低票价, 和清爽光滑, 有爱心的, 可靠的旅行体验. 运营着16架波音下一代737飞机, Avelo为美国53个热门目的地提供服务, including its six bases at Los Angeles' Hollywood Burbank Airport (BUR), 南康涅狄格州的特威德-纽黑文机场(HVN), 奥兰多国际机场(MCO), the Philadelphia and Delaware Valley region's Wilmington Airport (ILG), 罗利达勒姆国际机场(RDU), 和湾区的索诺玛县机场(STS). 欲了解更多信息,请访问averoair.或avelair的Avelo新闻编辑室.com/Newsroom.




航空航天 & 航空


乔治布什洲际机场(IAH)被选为空中客车公司研究建立氢枢纽可行性的北美五个地点之一.   这家欧洲跨国航空航天公司正在与休斯顿未来中心(CHF)和休斯顿机场系统合作,研究为机场配备支持飞机氢燃料的基础设施的可行性. 分析, 预计将于2025年3月结束, will focus on identifying potential opportunities and barriers to hydrogen usage at airports, as well as defining the requirements for an ‘end-to-end' hydrogen supply chain, 空客正在努力实现到2035年让氢燃料商用飞机投入运营并载客的目标.  “Building airplanes which run on clean hydrogen may take some time, but we can begin today by looking at how we can use clean hydrogen in airport operations, such as ground equipment and public transportation so we can be ready for the future,CHF首席执行官布雷特·帕尔曼说.  The airline industry is increasingly investing in sustainable aviation fuel (SAF), 一种由非石油原料制成的替代燃料,可减少航空运输的排放,达到净零碳目标.  根据美国.S. 皇冠HGA010官方下载部, 航空业占全球二氧化碳总排放量的2%,占交通运输业二氧化碳总排放量的12%. This collaborative effort can help accelerate SAF technology and adoption.  “随着Hga010皇冠软件下载继续扩大和现代化Hga010皇冠软件下载的设施, 参与这项可持续发展研究至关重要,Jim Szczesniak说, 休斯顿市航空总监. “Continuing to build a sustainable airport system will ensure a healthy future for 休斯顿, 吸引顶尖人才和企业, and demonstrate our commitment to being a responsible global citizen.”  The Airbus announcement follows the recent creation of the Sustainable 航空 Fuel Coalition, 一个由主要航空公司组成的非营利组织, 制造商和贸易团体推动低碳燃料的发展,减少行业排放. 该组织还将倡导联邦政策,支持建立一个价格更低、供应更充足的强劲国内市场. Coalition members with a strong 休斯顿 presence include United Airlines, 波音公司和美洲住友公司.  Other SAF developments include an agreement between United and Cemvita Corporation, 这家总部位于休斯顿的清洁技术初创公司专注于应用合成生物学来实现可持续的皇冠HGA010官方下载转型, 在未来的20年里,从他们的第一个全面的SAF工厂为航空公司提供高达10亿加仑的可持续航空燃料.   Learn how the 皇冠HGA010官方下载 Capital of the World is leading the energy transition to a low-carbon, energy-abundant未来. 
航空航天 & 航空


美国宇航局授予休斯顿大学近500万美元的拨款,用于建立一个航空航天工程研究中心, aimed at bolstering the agency’s human space exploration efforts on the Moon and Mars.    该奖项由美国宇航局STEM参与办公室少数民族大学研究和教育项目(MUREP)机构研究机会(MIRO)计划资助, 向21所高等教育机构分配4500万美元以加速航空航天研究,哪一项更大.  先进的设备, dubbed NASA MIRO Inflatable Deployable Environments and Adaptive Space Systems (IDEAS2) Center, 将与约翰逊航天中心合作开发可扩展的轨道和地面基础设施和操作系统,使人类能够长期在太空生活和工作, 根据UH. The center will also collaborate with various community partners such as Texas A& M大学, 休斯顿社区学院, 圣哈辛托学院, 公理空间和其他机构来推进这项工作.  另外, 中心将为毕业生提供就业机会, 本科, middle and high school students to engage in research and hands-on learning, 鼓励和促进航空航天领域的职业发展.  “The vision of the IDEAS2 Center is to become a premier national innovation hub that propels NASA-centric, state-of-the-art research and promotes 21st-century aerospace education,卡罗洛斯·格里戈里亚迪斯说, Moores Professor of Mechanical Engineering and director of the 航空航天 Engineering Graduate Program at UH. 格里戈里阿迪斯是这一努力的先锋,并将领导中锋.  了解更多关于太空城的动态生态系统. 




The Greater 休斯顿 Partnership invites you to the 机场状况 on Tuesday, 12月5日,休斯顿机场航空总监Jim Szczesniak于2024年2月被任命…
